Monday, September 8, 2008

Go Gringo?

My dad and I went to watch Carly cheer at a soccer game at her junior high. Her school's colors are blue, green and white and the players' uniforms are green. It was a little after half-time and she gathered her team in a huddle (she is co-captain with her best friend, Jill) and she turned around for a second and shouted, "Kristin, listen!"

Get it?

She told all her friends the story of our mom cheering, "Go, green, go!" at Jaron's soccer games.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that. Loved seeing Carly give tribute to her mom and having a smile on her face and doing what she loves...just what Molly wanted for all of her children. Love, Tricia

Rachel Milne said...

Hi Carly,
I liked your video and saying go green go and I remember about the funeral and what Molly said. We miss Molly too.
Love rachel

Hey Kristen,
My girls and I just watched the videos you put on. Carly looks like a great cheerleader. Nice to see her having fun. we enjoyed hearing Molly's voice again on the Christmas video. And then there's the dream you had. Wow, you are blessed to remember so much about it. Dreams can surely be a message from the other side. I know your Mom is near you kids. She would certainly have it that way. Thanks again for sharing this site and we love the memorial at her grave site. So touching and appropriate for her resting place. We plan to visit there when we come up again.
Love Brenda