Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas




Jaron & Lauren





Christmas was alot of fun, as always. We were minus one, but it didn't feel like it. Like so many other times, your heart tells you she's still hanging out, and then your head opens it's big mouth and informs your heart otherwise. We were playing Monopoly and I kept looking up at a picture of my mom that her friend, Denise, sent each of us from their cruise that was sitting on the piano. I would feel normal and then I would notice that picture and go, "Oh, yeah."

I would get sad for half a second and then the feeling would be pushed away. Probably my heart telling my head, "Oh, yeah? She's right here!" On the flip-side, if my mom was still with us I wouldn't be playing games on Christmas, I'd probably be peeling potatoes.

She made Pumpkin Rolls every year for the neighbors for Christmas and Brooke wanted to give some away. So we searched for the recipe and I tried to act like I knew what I was doing but the first couple I made tasted kind of funny. I got it right eventually.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures Kristin! I'm sure the pumpkin rolls were awesome and Molly would be pleased that you carry on the tradition. Love you guys!


Brenda Milne said...

Was nice to see pictures of you all again! Your tree is beautiful too. Life goes on and so does Molly's memory with all of you and all your traditions at Christmas. I know when my Mom passes on I'll be making the things she always makes. I don't do it yet but to honor her I will be doing it then. You are great kids and I wish I could taste that pumpkin roll. It looks great!

Happy New Year!
Love Brenda and girls

Anonymous said...

The famous pumpkin roll!!!!!!!!! It is also a dessert Molly taught me and how great for you kids to carry on! It looks just like Molly's so you should feel proud of what you made. I hope you did not forget to put some vanilla ice-cream with it like Molly loved. Much love and well wishes to you all....

Tricia Grimsman